The Former Telescope Mercenary

Friday, May 09, 2008


After much, much too long a wait, my webstore is now finally live!!!


Now for those of you who are reading this: I beg of you to spread the word of this store far and wide. I need all the publicity I can get for it. I cannot afford a heavy-duty marketing campaign, so I am dependent on the word-of-mouth (or word of blog) to get any publicity. If you can post about it, and better yet get people on your friends list to post about it, we might actually get a small cascade. Its what I will need to get any traction in this market, which while not saturated, does have a few 800 lb. gorillas that I must go against.

I should point out that there is a small science blog attached to the website: Only a few entries right now, but we hope to add more as time goes on. Mostly dealing with science products like the ones we have in the store.

In advance, I'd like to thank you all for any help and publicity you can give.


Friday, April 04, 2008

I am abandoning this Blog

I have been writing to both livejournal and blogger recently via a program that let's me do that. But it lacks many features that I would like to use for either blog. With that in mind and that fact that almost all replies and comments happen at Livejournal, I think it is time to shut down this side of things.

This blog will keep, obviously and be historical Telescope Mercenary. But in the future, look for my writings at Notes of a Telescope Mercenary.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Not Many Can Say This About Their Friends

A good friend of mine, Rebecca Watson, who run the skepchick website has received a great honor.

She's had an asteroid named after her.

Yup. Asteroid 153289 is now popularly named Rebeccawatson after being named as such by its discoverer, the Blue Color Scientist. Three other asteroids were named by the BCA after other popular scientist/skeptics, Phil Plait (The Bad Astronomer), Michael Stackpole (author of various books, as well as the Pauling report, which countered every claim by D&D = Satanism crowd some years back), and Paul Myers, better known as PZ Myers a popular science blogger.

This is of course, the coolest thing ever.

Nigerian Scam Email

I just got a Nigerian Scam email. It made me wonder when the last time I got one of these things was. I was honestly beginning to think they had gone the way of MAKE_MONEY_FAST and were often more talked about than actually happened.

Friday, March 21, 2008

More Updates on the Website

The SSL and the Cart program took the switch to the new hosting company well, and I have spent much of the last 24 hours putting up images of products, as well as making thumbnails for 1000+ products. Things are tangibly progressing, although I do have some concerns as to how the store will function. Not helping is the fact that my laptop will be out of commission for a while and all the copy for the products is on that goddamn thing. Dumb of me, I know, but I had hoped it would be a quick turnaround repair. Nope.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


My laptop computer I use at work seems to have gotten a nasty virus or some other kind of failure. This limits my work at work, as well as my level of communication. Its going to take a while for it to get fixed.


Saturday, March 15, 2008

Another Bit o' Publicity

I got a little blurb in Main Line Magazine. Its a good little write-up showing the products on page 38. They played with some of my comments and copy a bit, not to any serious detriment, but that slinky ain't plastic.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

What's Funny is That a Few People Came Up as Not Existing!
LogoThere are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?